Friday, June 10, 2011

Where Does My Time Go???

I'm sure I speak for most of us when I  say that I don't know where the heck the month of May went!  Just a moment ago, it was April.  All good.  Then WAMMO!  My calendar says it is June and double digit June at that!  Well, I guess when I started doing a little retrospective of what I'd been up to, I can see why my time may have gotten away from me.  I've been sewing up a few of these large lavender heart sachet pillows made out of antique European grain sacks for my Etsy shop.  They smell so good and, I might add, would look great with Maria's square lavender grain sack lavender pillows.

I've been busy listing fun things (besides the lavender sachets) as well.  I love this antique wire basket. Almost kept it. 

 These cool Indian clubs were sold within a few hours of listing (means I sold them too cheap more than likely, but oh well...).

I was fairly busy with helping out with my 5th grader's Shakespeare play, "As You Like It".  The kids did so great.  Pardon the blurry picture, but I haven't quite gotten the hang of photographing stage performances.

Never thought I'd see the day when I got to put makeup on my kid and his friends.  They were really good sports though.  I think they were really committed to the production and knew that stage makeup was just part of the deal. My little man didn't need mascara because he has the most amazing naturally dark and super long eyelashes.  SO not fair.

Then there was graduation day.  My big boy is now a middle schooler.  I'm not sure I'm ready for this, but I think he is. He and his friends clean up nice, don't they?

Then there's my youngest little one.  Some things just defy explanation.  And for the record, he did this to himself.  AND he is still smiling.  That's my boy!

Then there's the impending mutha of all yard sales next weekend followed by our garden which is going to be on a local garden tour the following weekend (Mr. FL has been working very hard to get ready; I'll have to take some pictures and post them soon).  We spent all day getting the covered porch opened up for the season last week.  So much work but we've been in heaven enjoying being out there.

There's also been a few little DIY projects, not really worth mentioning, but time consuming nonetheless.  So that's my story and I'm sticking to it.  I can't wait to have some free time to catch up on my blogging, but the project list for this summer is lengthy and then I would like to spend a little time enjoying the monkeys while they are out of school, so I may be in and out, but I will catch up when I can.

Until next time,

I'm linking up to Debra's Vintage Inspiration Friday.  I can't miss a good party, busy or not!

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  1. LOVE the lavender pillows!! Your kiddos are darling btw. Hugs, Rachel

    Off to your etsy now!

  2. Your kids are too cute!! I miss having a little one....enjoy every minute, every looooong play, ever smile and every fit of laughter:) Your lavender pillows are beautiful, I could almost smell them from here....when we were in Provence about two years ago I bought a few and still have them, one has the faintest smell but I refuse to put it away..its like holding onto a wonderful sweet memory. Beautiful!

  3. Love the lavenderr pillows and the wire basket. My monkeys are out of school too. Hard to juggle them, work, blogging...wishing you luck! lol

  4. What beautiful boys Judy... I can't relate to the time issue... It goes way to fast... BTW love the wire basket...have a good weekend


  5. Hi Judy,

    Your boys are such darlings and you must be so proud.
    Also love the little heart lavender pillows.
    I can't believe how fast the year is going!

    Hope that you have a wonderful weekend

  6. Hi Judy! What adorable kids you much fun when they're this age!
    You sound busy as ever, part of staying young I say!

  7. Well, you've been busy Judy, but time well spent! Wish I could have seen that Shakespeare production. Quite impressive of 5th graders to take that on. Your little guys are so handsome and they've got your sense of humor, too.
    And AWESOME sachets & basket!!!
    Enjoy all your goings-on,

  8. Hi Judy,

    Where does the time go...and those boys of yours are so handsome...isn't that the way it goes...the boys get the gorgeous eye lashes! The lavender hearts are a hit too. Hope you have a wonderful summer.


  9. Handsome young men!!
    You've been sooo busy! So sorry I missed those vintage clubs...I have one and want a few more!

  10. Those little lavender pillows are adorable and I love that wire basket too! Look at those handsome boys. My son will be in 5th grade next year...I don't think he'd be so willing to go with the makeup and yours was :)

  11. Hi Judy, your boys are adorable! and so are your gorgeous lavender hearts! Always love seeing you over here, hope you're having a great weekend! xo Debra

  12. liebe Judy, viele schöne Fotos….
    viele liebe Grüße und ein schönes Pfingsten wünscht Jasmin ♥♥♥♥♥♥…..aus Deutschland
    Musik für die Seele…..

  13. I am in love with your heart sachets!! Anything made out of grainsacks makes me swoon! :) Your son's are adorable! It's my son's last day of school today, I can't believe he'll be a second grader next year! It all goes so fast.
    Congratulations on your garden being picked for the garden tour, how exciting!
    Have a beautiful day.

  14. I think the whole world has started spinning out of control and time has just sped up with it. I thought I was busy when I had the shop but now I am twice as busy. And you are no exception, I am planning on a lazy summer... I hope the same for you. Your children are darling and how nice to be in the theater - such a good experience for them

  15. It seems like boys always have longer and darker lashes. I don't know how many times I've been jealous of my husband's lashes:)

  16. I like the lavender pillows - what a wonderful idea.
    And the FILDEFER wire basket is nice too. The old vintage things are hot in Denmark too.

    Have a nice day

  17. Love those heart sachet pillows and your other vintage finds. I'm off to visit your shop.
    Fun times with kid's plays. Such great memories!
    Enjoy them all. I loved helping with our daughters' class plays and projects.
    ~ Julie


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