Wallpaper Boutique

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Treasures from the Junkin' Junket

Hello Friends,

As promised, I have some pictures of some of the pretties I found while out "junkin".  OK, I wish I could say I got these at junk prices, but truthfully, most everything is from antique malls and shows, so no real bargains to be had, but it is fun stuff anyway.

These old Victorian picture albums always intrigue me, but they are usually in rough shape.  Not this beauty though.  The cover is perfect save a little wear on the corners.  And it is such a pretty design. The fabric is velvet and the picture in the center is on celluloid.  I don't know for sure how I want to use it, but I'll let you know if and when something brilliant comes to me.

The clasps are usually broken, but this one is in perfect shape and is so pretty, don't you think?

These little bobbins just intrigued me with their color and their obvious connection to sewing.  I grew up doing needlework with my mom and she always sewed all of our clothes and hers as well.  Every seam was perfect, every pattern lined up exactly.  My mom was an amazing seamstress, so anything  sewing related always kind of draws me in.

This bottle is very cool.  It is an old toilet water bottle.  It still has it's top although I think part of it may be missing.

The best part is it is from Paris.  Very cool, oui?

The little cafe au lait bowl was an Etsy find that arrived from France this week.  It is OLD and soooooo pretty with its little purple flowers.  It looks great on the French booklet I found at an antique mall.

These nifty pieces of celluloid are headed to my art stash.  They are Japanese and I am guessing they are maybe from a factory that never finished making them into their final product?  I've only seen this type of work in vintage jewelry, like pendants and bangles.

This is a bangle that I have in my own jewelry box that is made from this type of 3 dimensional celluloid.  It is so romantic and lovely.  I only wear it now and again for fear I will break it, but I love it anyway.

I found these little tiny cups at the thrift store.  They are very old English paste porcelain.  I can't tell you how to distinguish this type of porcelain, I can only tell you that once you get a feel for how it looks and feels, you will be able to recognize it too.  A lot of the old transferware pieces that I love were made this way.

After my lace organizing task, you'd think I'd have realized I have enough old lace, but I just can't resist it when I see it for a reasonable price.  Same with vintage millinery flowers.  I don't care if they're shabby, they will look great on an art journal or on something else.  Love the little appliques, pincushion, and glass buttons, too.

OK, as popular as religious items are now, thanks to the Jeanne d'Arc French Nordic phenomenon, how cool is it that I found an original 100 year old Madonna plaque???  The plaque is made with some type of plaster and the image almost looks like it is printed on metal.  It has a date of 1902 on it.  I'm thinking of replicating this one of these days.  I'll let you know if I have some luck with it.

And while we're on the subject of the Virgin Mary, look who whispered in my ear that she would very much like to live at my home?

She is chalkware, so she's chippy and her paint colors are muted, and she basically stole my heart.  I may sell her one day, but not today.  For now, she will bring peace and tranquility to my abode.

This tiny cast iron urn turned my head.  I think it may have a future in a vignette under a cloche; what do you think?

So, that is the majority of my tresors acquired over the last couple of weeks.  There are a few more, but this post is long enough as it is, so maybe another time.  Hope you all are finding your own treasures and inspiration as well as enjoying the beautiful spring weather.  Do tell, what's inspiring you today?

Until next time,

Linking up with:
What's It Wednesday
Vintage Inspiration Friday
Feathered Nest Friday
French Obsession Party


  1. Oooh...so lovely! I have a set of those purple booklets and love them! Love the Madonna...I've had my eye on one at an antique mall but can't bring myself to spend the money!Those bobbins do it for me too! I'm a seamstress and love anything sewing or needlework related! What a fun day you had!
    Blessings, Lorraine

  2. what's "inspiring me today?" well.....YOU and your tresors! swoon! What beautiful finds! I especially love the Mary Statue and that amazing Madonna plaque! wow....GORGEOUS! (if you EVER want to sell the Mary statue...let me know!) I will be sharing MY week-end finds for the next WW. It was a productive weekend here as well. Happy day to you mon amie! ;)

  3. So many lovelies! The bobbins stole my heart.

  4. Wow, Wish I could go shopping where you go! I love your Mother Mary! She is so beautiful. I dont think I would or could ever sell her. What a lovely find. I love it all!
    ~Happy May Day..

  5. So many nice things. I just love the little bowl. Have a nice week.


  6. Judy..your treasures are fantastic!! I love those bobbins..how sweet is that?
    Great finds! Have a wonderful week..xo Tami

  7. Judy, always swoom time when I visit your blog! Loving that jewelry! Please visit me for a chance to win an Annie Sloan book!

  8. So many pretty finds Judy. I hope to do a little flea market shopping when I visit Paris the first part of July. The cafe au lait bowl is so pretty and love the glass bottle.

  9. Great finds....especially love the bobbins!

  10. Judy,
    Beautiful finds!

  11. Your treasures are lovely! What is inspiring me today is to make some of those pretty melted roses you see all over blogland:)!

  12. That album is gorgeous...I haven't seen one with the velvet floral before...and that clasp...pretty!
    It sure looks like you had a great week...
    Happy May Day!

  13. Awesome finds!!!
    Love the statue of Our Lady...
    Blessings Lori

  14. Where will I start. Love it all! The Virgin Mary figurine got my attention straight away. Took me right back to my music lesson days from a catholic nun. What a dear dear lady she was. The VM was always looking down at us during my piano and violin lessons for eight wonderful years.
    The cast iron plant pot, the clasp on the victorian album .....and the bobbins!!!!!! I'd have them in a vintage jar in my sewing room!
    Just lovely lovely!
    Thanks for sharing.

  15. Love all your finds Judy...I can't pick a favorite!

  16. Awesome finds, I love them all!!!

  17. Hi Judy,

    the Virgin Mary is fantastic, I have four diffrent ones and could even have more.
    Thanks for sharing,

  18. Oh I love the bobbins, bracelet the flower pot , OK all of them the little bowl from France, just great finds

  19. Love your blog. I am a new member and also sew. Anything like the bobbins or lace I am so drawn to. I really have enjoyed going thru your old post. Thanks!

  20. Love all your wonderful treasures. I love looking at all of them. Thanks for sharing!


  21. I used to have a bracelet like that! Love your treasures!
    I would love if you link this Monday to the French party! My readers would love it!


  22. Everything is so beautiful. I am absolutely in love with those little bobbins!

  23. Judy, these are great finds. I love the bottle made in Paris. It would be a nice start to the table centerpiece that I show this week. ;-)

  24. Lovely vintage images, thanks for sharing!

  25. So lovely treasures!!
    Vintage is always so beautiful, I think;)
    Have a realaxing weekend,

  26. You always find the most beautiful things, Judy. My favorite is that wonderful plaque of Mary, so different. thanks so much for always linking up to the party!

  27. I love all your treasures. My favorite one is the French bottle.


  28. liebe Judy, alles ist schön, alles gefällt mir…
    Der Bilderrahmen mit dem Stoff ist besonders schön, das große Stück Spitze links auf dem Foto, ( Klöppelspitze) „Brüsseler Spitze“ ist sehr alt!

    Am schönsten ist dein Armreif, es sieht aus wie Elfenbein, dezente Farbe, aber du sagst es ist Zelluloid!
    Die Madonna oder Maria ein liebevolles Gesicht, sie würde mir gut gefallen, und einen Platz hätte ich auch, kleines Lächeln………..

    liebe Grüße von Jasmin

  29. LOVELY PICS:) I really like your blog and I will happily follow. Do you have twitter??

    If you want some swedish decor inspiration, you can check out my blog:)
    Have a great week.

    LOVE Maria at inredningsvis.se

  30. Oh Judy if ever you decide to sell her please let me know....she is lovely!! So many pretty things in this post...x0x0

  31. All I can say is WOW! I would have snatched up every one of those items if I came across them! What beautiful treasures you found! t.xoxoxo

  32. Gorgeous treasures! Thanks so much for sharing them at Ivy and Elephants, You were featured this week! Please feel free to stop by and grab a featured button.

  33. Thanks so much for linking, There is another one going on right now...I would love to see you there.
    Happy Mother's day!


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