Wallpaper Boutique

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Buttons and Brooches and Pins...OH MY!

Okay, I wholeheartedly subscribe to the "Guilt Free Blogging" school of thought since this is supposed to be fun and not terribly serious. However, I never meant to be away for two weeks. I've missed you all. I not only haven't posted, but I haven't been visiting my blogging friends either. I have some SERIOUS catching up to do. So, without further ado, welcome to PINK SATURDAY, hosted by Bev at How Sweet the Sound. Pop over there and check out the other 145 participants' blogs as you have the chance for some fun and not so serious posts.

I have mentioned numerous times that I have LOTS of collections. One I'd like to share with you today, at least in part, is a little collection that brings me lots of smiles. It is a collection of handpainted Victorian buttons, brooches, and pins, MOST of which feature roses, but not all. As it happens, many of them are pink, hence their relevance to Pink Saturday. I am particularly drawn to the heart shaped buttons, they are so sweet. The rectangular brooch is one of my favorites, even though it was purchased with the idea that I would sell it. I'm guessing that's not happening, at least not right now. One of the pitfalls of selling what you love...

I can't imagine having these elegant little pieces of art actually adorning your clothes, but people did that "back in the day". The detail and artistry is phenomenal, in the style of Limoges porcelain painting in France. Some are more elaborate than others, but they are all lovely in my opinion. Enjoy this little peek into one of my indulgences....

Until next time,


  1. happy PS! and that is such a wonderful collection! I love what you shared here.. so beautiful!.. have a good weekend!

  2. I've missed you ...sometimes time just slips by .. I SHOULD take two weeks off, but I'm struggling with this addiction....

    Your collections charm me.
    It's the thrill of the hunt, eh?

  3. That is a beautiful collection. Happy pink Saturday

  4. I just ♥ Pink Saturday. I am able to visit some gorgeous blogs, see loads of pink-a-licious goodies and have a wonderful morning to start the weekend. Thanks!

  5. ♥´¨)
    ¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*´¨)
    (¸.•´ (¸.•´♥ HAPPY PINK SATURDAY ♥

  6. Happy Pink Saturday and have a great first weekend of Spring ~ Susan

  7. What a gorgeous collection that anyone would love to share, thankyou and Happy Pink Saturday, Char

  8. very pretty!

    hello and happy pink saturday to you!

  9. What lovely pieces. I can see why you collect them! Happy Pink Saturday!

  10. SoSoSo pretty.
    happy pink

  11. I'm in love with all your collections. These are all just beautiful. They look so pretty together.
    Thanks for sharing & Happy Pink Saturday

  12. They are all lovely with the pink roses in them. Aaaawwwww you have a wonderful collection here. hanks for sharing pictures of such lovely pieces :-)

  13. Oh Wow!! Those are gorgeous! I could never sell them either!
    Happy Pink Weekend.

  14. What beautiful pieces. Happy belated Pink Saturday. Please have a wonderful new week.

  15. these are all really gorgeous! happy pink week!!

  16. Lovely...and we all should take more breaks.

  17. Beautiful!
    Happy Belated Pink Saturday!


  18. Your photo shows a nice little collection - I love the Victorian style. I find pieces like this are more and more difficult to find.

  19. Hi Judy !

    I was just popping by to see what you've been up to cause I hadn't heard from you lately ...and then I read your post.

    I totally get it girl .....blogging is so much fun ....when I get the time but family is top priority for me. Throw in working fulltime and that leaves precious litle time for blogging. I'm lucky if I can do a weekly post let alone commeton 50+ blogs LOL

    Just gotta have fun with it but step back and keep it in perspective too !

    Cheers and take care !

  20. What a wonderful collection of pins. I love the softness in the roses, very sweet.

    Have a happy day


  21. Judy your collection is wonderful.
    Happy Pink Saturday

  22. Love your look!!! Will be back.

  23. I have a brooch like these, I just cherish it. Your collection is amazing!!! Love them all...

  24. Hi Judy, Those are just exquisite and it's so nice to meet a friend of Ronda's. Happy Pink Saturday. ~ Lynn

  25. Just a beautiful collection! I love handpainted china!

  26. Hello Judy~ I too have been on a blog hiatus.
    What a beautiful collection. I have dear friend who was taught how to paint china when all vintage was new. she has a very exquisite collection of her woks that she's gifted her daughter.

    Come visit,


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