Wallpaper Boutique

Monday, April 9, 2012

Post Easter Wrap Up and a Discount Code Just for You...

Happy Monday Bloggie Friends,

I hope you had a wonderful day yesterday with family and/or friends.  We had a very subdued time with just Mr. FL, me, and my little Launderettes.  So subdued that we kind of winged it and had our brunch around 4 p.m. and my "tablescape" if you will was put together truly on the fly (like in the 30 minutes before we ate).  My pictures didn't turn out great, but I'll share them anyway.  The boys' decorated Easter eggs became the major decorative item on the table, put in one of my Bethany Lowe boxes with the lid removed.  An old music holder for an instrument in marching band gave a place to put one of my favorite little vintage Easter bunnies.  I think it was sort of a card or something.  I had everything on hand, so cost was zero-must love that.  Not bad for an impromptu tablescape.

Mr. FL hesitantly shared a few little sprigs from our little flowering almond bush which I stuck in a couple of Fenton hobnail vases I had.

Fun little votive holders purchased from Tuesday Morning years ago sitting on one of my favorite old embroidered runners.

Half a small paper doily stuck in some German placecard holders I had on hand.  The dishes were painted by my great aunt in 1952.

Vintage organdy placemats, vintage pink damask napkins and mismatched silverplate.

That was my Easter table, pretty and easy with virtually no advance preparation because I had sort of planned on us going out for lunch after church until yesterday afternoon when I decided we'd do brunch at home.  Yeah, that's just how I roll most days.

On another note, have you seen the pretty dresses offered up by a company called Shabby Apple?  I'm guessing you probably have since they've been pretty visible out in Blogland with giveaways and such in the last year or so.  Well, they contacted me and would like to offer my readers a 10% discount on any purchase from their website.

They have more dresses than you can shake a stick at.  You can shop by body type to find a style that suits your particular shape (love that!).

Look at this vintage inspired beauty...

They also offer other types of clothing besides just dresses.  Isn't this swimsuit adorable?

I've worn their dresses and they are very comfortable and nicely fitting.  If you would like to receive a 10% discount, just type in the code FrenchLaundry10 at checkout. It is good until May 3, 2012.  

Disclaimer:  I have received no compensation by Shabby Apple for this promotion of their items and the opinions expressed are my own.

Until next time friends,


  1. Your Easter table was lovely!! The plates your aunt painted are beautiful. What a wonderful treasure.

  2. Judy- What a pretty table and I love that china that your Aunt painted! I have some of those little porcelain place card holders, too. What a cute idea to use doilies for the names. Love the shabby apple clothing...and that swim suit is darling---wish I dared appear in public in one just like it~ xo Diana

  3. Your table looks so pretty, Judy! I love the Easter eggs in that pretty box and your china is gorgeous! We had a low key day, too and I didn't fuss much with the tablescape.

    I love Shabby Apple...if only we all looked so good in that bathing suit!! :)


  4. Your tablescape is so pretty--love those vases. That swimsuit is so cute...now just to have a body ready for that swimsuit:)

  5. Lovely tablescape and those vases and votives are perfect! Thank you for the heads-up regarding the discounts at Shabby Apple. Have a wonderful start to your week.


  6. Just LOVE your table setting so much. Such pretty pastels for Easter. Thanks for sharing.


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