Wallpaper Boutique

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Have you seen "Patina Style" yet?

Just me here doing the quick check in.  The Colorado mountains were lovely but now it's back to the routine.  We rode horses, rode an alpine slide, the boys climbed the climbing walls and jumped on the bungee trampolines, we rafted, we boated, we swam, and we ate (a lot!).  Good times were had by all, but boy were we pooped!  Anyway, thanks for your comments on my last post.  I will try to get around to visit you in response, but it may take me a while-bear with me pretty please.

So, when I saw that Brooke Giannetti of the blog Velvet and Linen and her talented husband Steve had a book coming out called "Patina Style", I wasted no time pre-ordering it from Amazon.  It came just before we left on our vacation and it does NOT disappoint.  I would highly recommend it if you are a fan of Brooke's style as there are many beautiful photos to salivate over.  I have not had time to savor it and read it cover to cover as I would like due to all of my irons in the fire right now, but I have no doubt the text will be as interesting and wonderful as the photos.  There are MANY inspiring rooms and vignettes using antique and vintage treasures for you to ponder and delight in.

Just a quick sampling to tease you.  Must get back to big baby boy's new room.  I'll check in as soon as I can.  Enjoy the wonderful summer while it lasts!

Until next time,


  1. I'm glad you had a great time in Colorado, I lived there for 4 years and loved it. I have not seen the book yet, is on my list.
    XXX Ido

  2. Yes I have it and love it, isn't it gorgeous! One pictures as goreous as the next, devoured each and every page:)
    Your Colorado trip sounds dreamy.....how amazing it must have been!I have always wanted to do during the summer, only have in the winter..one day! Adding it to my bucket list, lol.

  3. Thanks so much for letting us know about her blog and book! I will have to order it for sure!! xo Rachel :)

  4. Thank you for letting your readers know about Patina Style!!!

    I'm thrilled that you love it :)


  5. I too pre-ordered and have it! It's one of those can't put down books~where every image is gorgeous!I have been greatly inspired by it
    I have ordered two more to give as gifts!

  6. Looks amazing, thanks for sharing!
    Glad you had a great time with your boys in the mountains, it is always so fun to get away.


  7. I love velvet and linen Nd have enjoyed patina style. It is a beautiful book.

  8. This book looks amazing!! I'll have to be on the look out for it!
    Have a beautiful night.

  9. Thanks for the tip, Judy. I have a few book store gift cards I need to use and this one looks enticing.
    It's good to hear from you during this busy time of yours. Can't wait to see your son's room!
    - Susan

  10. Thanks for letting us know about this delightful new book... that one is now on my wish list!

    Dawn... The Bohemian

  11. I must get that book...it looks wonderful!
    Glad you are having fun this summer!


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