Wallpaper Boutique

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Show Me Your Romantic Prairie Style Final 5 and a Winner...

Hey Blogger Friends,

My apologies for being slow at getting the 5 finalists of the "Show Me Your Romantic Prairie Style" Photo Challenge.  I have been getting ready for the MUTHA of all garage sales.  We are really choking at our place with our own slightly pathological accumulation of stuff.  So, we are being as ruthless as we can.  It's hard.  Sometimes there are tears.  But I know that eventually, this weight will be cut from around our necks and we can start to enjoy our lives more.  Or that's the plan anyway.  SO, if I am a bit MIA the next month or so, rest assured all is well and I am just taking care of business.  NOW, with that bit of dirty laundry out of the way, on to our finalists.  Thank you to all who entered.  I've had a ball going through your beautiful pictures and seeing how you interpret the romantic prairie style, but after much deliberating, I've narrowed it down to 5 pictures that really struck me.  I hope you'll pop over to these gals' blogs and see more of  their unique styles.

First up is Lynn of The Vintage Nest.  She shared 3 beautiful photos with me, but this one is the one you absolutely have to see.  This cute little house is her chicken coop.  Now I don't know about you, but I think if your chickens have a romantic little abode (they call it the Romantic Roost), you've got a good start on the romantic prairie style.  She said it was a child's playhouse that was no longer needed and they bought it via Craig's List after about a year of looking for just the right place for their backyard chickens.  I think it is darling, don't you?

Next, we have a very talented gal, Lara from Air Kisses.  Her use of zinc and natural materials is very much in keeping with the romantic prairie style in my humble opinion.  Her photo collage showed several lovely elements and captures the simplicity of materials that come together to make a simply beautiful vignette.  Lara was just featured in Artful Blogging and you'll want to pop over to see her gorgeous blog where it will become quite evident why she was selected to be in this quality magazine.

Our next gal is Patti of The Shabby Chick.  Patti has been a follower of mine for a while now and she is one of the nicest ladies you'll ever meet.  She's always tweaking and fluffing her beautiful home and infuses so much personality into it.  I hope you'll agree with me when I say I am enchanted by the top of her bookcase featured below.  I love the way she used the vintage silverware as decorative elements and, of course, you know I love the ironstone....yummy!  Stop by and see her amazing kitchen redo that she is working on.  I think it is looking smashing!!!

Next is Karen's home from A Delightsome Life.  It just says "farmhouse" to me and, while perhaps a literal interpretation of romantic prairie style, I just want to move in (get my room ready, girl!).  Everything looks like a turn of the century home and yet, it is very fresh and inviting.  This is where I hope to go with my kitchen one day.  I can't complain too much, its been a very nice and amazingly attractive space (albeit a bit small) for over a decade, but I would like to infuse some farmhouse charm.  Anyway, back to Karen.  She's been doing some gardening lately and her plants are beautiful.  Go check them out when you have a chance.

Last, but certainly not least, I'd like to show you  Rene's beautiful living room.  Her blog, Miss Gracie's House is a beautiful study in white and all it's many shades.  The warmth of this lovely spirit's home is amazing.  Every detail is well thought out and tells a story.  Her many vignettes give interest to this 100 year old farmhouse and her generally traditional Victorian style is stunning. The color palette keeps it light and airy and fresh.  Another source of inspiration for yours truly to be sure.  Drop by and take a look at her post titled "Why Do We Love White" and make sure you check out her divine bedroom.  I get inspired each and every time I go by her place and I know you will too.

Well, these are my picks.  Later this week, I will be doing a photo collage of my "Honorable Mentions", so check back again.  As for part 2 of this post, one of these lucky ladies featured above will be getting their own copy of Fifi O'Neill's "Romantic Prairie Style" although I think they may just have to give it away as a gift since they obviously have it going on already!  I assigned each one a number, based on the order in which they submitted their pictures, so the numbers are as follows:

1.  Patti
2.  Lynn
3.  Lara
4.  Kathy
5.  Rene'

And Mr. Random Number Generator says the winner is...


Congratulations to Lynn of The Vintage Nest!!!

Sorry I couldn't figure out how to do a screen shot of the generator, but I guess you're just going to have to take my word for it that it came up 2.  Lynn, give me a hollar with your physical address and I will ship your beautiful book out to you.

That's all for now.  Back to the sifting and sorting...

Just for grins, I'm linking up with Kathleen's White Wednesday over at Faded Charm.  Maybe just a few stops before I hit the basement again... :-)

Until next time,


  1. Congratulations to all the winners but a big special YAYYY to Patti!!!

  2. Loved your white picks for the week. Love love love that hen house, what a great and creative idea, I bet her hens are happy girls!!

    and love the creativity of the top of your friends shelf, like how she displayed that silverware too.
    Looks great!

    and that adorable turn of the century kitchen,
    says come right in I am getting cookies out of the oven now....I will be right over!! lol

    That was a great mosaic, and the contents great.

    and loved that parlor with all the white and lace, very pretty, cozy and inviting!!

    Blessings, Nellie

  3. Oh my....what a thrill to win! I know I will savor every delicious photo in this gorgeous book especially knowing some of the bloggers that are in it. Thank you for having this fun contest and loving our little Romantic Roost. The girls love it too!

  4. Congratulations Lynn - I am impressed and honored to be among these amazing lady's homes! So inspiring - I am off now to look for a Child's Play house - what a wonderful idea -
    Thank you Judy for inspiring this fun challenge - terrific idea!
    Hope you all have a wonderful week,

  5. Oh my what great pictures!! I hadn't seen Lynn's chicken macoop before- I love it!

  6. Judy,

    I love all these blogs, great event you just had. That chicken coop is to die for!!

    Thanks for your kind comments on my blog.


    Sandy Foster
    My Shabby Streamside Studio

  7. So much prettiness...pure eye candy...congrats to Lynn!

  8. What beautiful pictures you showed us! I loved them all. Congrats to the winner. That chicken coop is ADORABLE!


  9. Hi Judy,

    Congratulations to the winners, I love the photographs of all the wonderful homes. How sweet the little chicken house is.
    Good luck with the sifting and sorting.


  10. Judy, thanks for picking my photo, you are so sweet... that chicken house is adorable... all the pictures are beautiful... And Congrats!!!!! to Lynn..

    The Shabby Chick

  11. Wow...all of these photos are so full of inspiration but I have to say...that chicken coup looks cute enough to move in to. Lucky Chickens I dare say. LOL
    Blessings & Hugs,

  12. Very inspirational, and beautiful, can't wait to visit each individual, Celeste, victoriantailor.com

  13. All 5 are absolutely stunning! Lara {Air Kiss} has such a gift, doesn't she?!


    And, I completely understand the need to clean out. I'll be doing some purging, organizing, and BREATHING very soon.

  14. Hi Judy!
    You sure did pick some beauties and I love them all!!
    This was a great idea!

  15. Thank you sweetheart!!! I am honored!
    Big Hugs xo
    :) Lara

  16. Hi Judy,
    All were great choices and beautiful blogs, I am crazy for that coop:-)
    I wanna play there :-))
    Thanks for stopping by:-)

  17. THANK YOU so very much for the honor of being chosen in your top 5...I'm going to post about it the first of next week...
    I hope you have a wonderful Mother's Day!

  18. How cool are those photos! I specially love the first one. I wouldn't mind living in that chicken coop. It is too cute!

  19. They are all just amazing...it must have been hard to choose! Congratulations to the winners

  20. Hello... I am new to your blog... I'm here from Miss Gracies...So nice to meet you! :) Love your blog.



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