Wallpaper Boutique

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Gratitude from me...and a giveaway for you!

The Giveaway is now closed.

Hi Beautiful Friends,

I can't believe I am FINALLY composing my 100th post. YAY! First, I'd like to acknowledge some pretty wonderful people I've met through blogging. You are all awesome, but these gals have given me presents recently, so I do need to give them a special shout out!

I won a fabulous giveaway over at Paula's Castles and Cottages. She hand paints these beautiful Pottery Barn inspired plant holders which she made (or maybe DH made them, I can't remember), available in two sizes, and personalizes them with whatever your heart desires in whatever font you would like. She generously gave away the smaller one (which is still a substantial size) and personalized it to my specifications. After a few mock ups back and forth via email, I got this incredible piece in the mail. It is WONDERFUL. I haven't decided on its final hanging place, so I have used Paula's pic that she took when she finished it for me, but you will see this beauty again once it is hung (I'm very slow at making up my mind) and has something cool in its little holder. THANK YOU Paula from the bottom of my heart. You are incredibly talented and you'd better believe I will be coming by your way should I have any signage needs (and I'm thinking I just may).

Next, I was fortunate enough to win a sweet little giveaway over at Rhonda's place, A Little Bit French.  She is a very talented lady as well who hosts a monthly French Friday giveaway.  March was MY MONTH!  Those of you who read my previous post about never winning anything will note that perhaps my luck did indeed change.  Yippee! I hope so.  Anyway, this precious little bag came my way last week.  I absolutely love it. THANK you Rhonda!  Rhonda is headed to France in 11 days, so I'm going to refrain from being green with envy in light of your beautiful tresor you sent me!  LOL!

Lastly, I participated in the Pay It Forward project that I read about over at Michelle's beautiful blog, Petite Michelle Louise.  I was one of 5 commenters to her blog who were sent this beautiful handmade stamped seam binding by Michelle.  In return, each of us "paid it forward" by blogging about the project and sending a handmade gift to our first five commenters.  (And BTW, if you were one of my 5 commenters, your tresors are on the way as of Monday.  Hope you like them).   This is the pretty package that Michelle sent me:

Inside was this darling card.  There was also a pretty little hand stamped bag tucked in the back which had beautiful punches from old ephemera-I look forward to crafting with them, but I forgot to take a picture of them.  Trust me, they are wonderful as well.

THANK YOU, Michelle!  You know I'm a huge fan of yours anyway, but your generous spirit is something I'm also a fan of.

Okay, now if you've stuck with me this far, it is time for us to get to the GIVEAWAY which will commemorate my 100th post.  First, I will send you a pretty little lavender sachet, handcrafted by moi.

I may eventually add some of these to my Etsy shop, but my kiddos are on Spring Break this week, so probably not until next week. 

THEN, the piece de resistance....your very own copy of Fifi's new book, Romantic Prairie Style!!!!  I had pre-ordered mine AGES ago but I have to confess, the hype that was swirling around Blogland made me skeptical...you know, like when EVERYONE tells you how great a movie is or is going to be and you go and see it and you think...it's OKAY.  Too much build up, ya know?  Or maybe that's just me.  So, anyway, I kind of thought it might be like that.  AND, I have to say, over here at French Laundry, my style is a little more fancy than what I perceived the prairie style to be, so I figured it would be a bunch of interiors that maybe I didn't totally relate to.  Alright, all of that being said, when the book came, I was BLOWN AWAY!  Yeah, it's that good.  Not only are some of the ladies I've been cyber-stalking reading with enthusiasm for quite a while featured here, but also some folks I don't know who have the most amazing homes.  And the cool part is, the interiors truly run the gambit from ranch to cabin to elegant farmhouse (Wow!  That's a great name, maybe I should open an Etsy shop called that-oh yeah, already did!). It has been one that I have absolutely salivated over on page after page.  Glad to say, the hype was justified.   As you will see,  it is an awesome book and is being provided as a giveaway from the great publishers at CICO books.  If you aren't the lucky winner here, you can order your very own copy from them here.


1.  Leave a comment on this post for one chance.

2.  Become a follower of my blog or if you are already a follower, just let me know for another chance.

3.  Give my giveaway a shout out on your blog or on your sidebar, on Facebook, or Twitter.

You MUST leave a separate comment for each of these.  You can do one of them or all of them, for a total of 3 chances to win.  The giveaway will be open until midnight MDT on March 31st and the winner will be announced on APRIL 1st (no foolin'!).  Good luck and thanks for being my pals and listening to my rambling over the last 100 posts.  I am full of gratitude for all of the wonderful folks out here that love and support, pray and lift up, and beautify and inspire, day after day.  You guys ROCK.

Linking up with Kathleen's White Wednesday because it's the place to be!  LOL!

Until next time,


  1. Looks great.Thanks for sharing and congrats on your milestone!

  2. And I linked it up on FB>>http://www.facebook.com/pages/The-Vintage-Farmhouse/128182237220505

    Thank you for hosting such a lovely giveaway!

  3. You are too kind!!!! What pretties!!!

    m ^..^

  4. Congrats on your 100th post! That is quite an accomplishment...I am already a follower and love your blog/ Thanx for sharing! tiff

  5. Oh, I am grabbing your button and placing it on my blog sidebar also....Tiff

  6. dearest judy..i am over the moon that you would "single me out" as part of your gratitude giveaway! truly...to say that you are a
    "fan' of mine just warmed my heart. merci mon amie.i would be honored to win this giveaway!

  7. Hi there! Already a follower!

  8. Great giveaway. Love the sachet and want the book! Put my name in the hat please!

  9. oh..and..i've been a happy follower for awhile now. the inspiration i have found here has enriched me beyond measure!

  10. I love the sachet and would love to tuck it in my linen closet.

  11. ...I LOVE the "gratitude" on the beach:)
    and what a joy to come and visit you dear one!

    ~ all of these talented ladies are some of my very fav's on etsy!!
    ~ and I can't resist your happy giveaway, please count me in too:)

    xo, Rosemary

  12. ...and I am one of your inspired followers:)

  13. I love all your giveaway winnings, so pretty!
    I would love to get the goodies in your giveaway so please count me in! karen...

  14. I am one of your new followers! karen....

  15. Hi Judy!! you know I LOVE your blog and am already a follower!!! xo Rachel

    French Farmhouse 425

  16. this is my first time trying a blog giveaway!! and i will do the other 2 to triple my chances. thanks!!
    aggie ansell

  17. Hi Judy,

    congratulations in winning all the beautiful treasures.
    Also for a wonderful 100 posts you have shared.
    It is lovely to be able to visit you.

    Happy week

  18. What a wonderful giveaway. I love lavender so you had me at hello. I have heard so much about that great book. I think you have convinced me it is as great as everyone is saying. ~~Sherry~~

  19. Judy congrats...... cheers to 100 more wonderful posts!

    Your give away is wonderful {I have been wanting FiFis new book}


  20. Hi Judy
    Love that first image.. and all your fab wins... lucky girl..
    Thanks for the kind comment my way.. and count me in on your fab giveaway.... Have a great week.. ciao xxx Julie

  21. thought I already was following.. but am now!!! ciao... xxx Julie

  22. Oh Judy what an awesome giveaway...I would love that book! Thanks for coming by! x0

  23. Wow, thank you so much for offering this giveaway! I bet your lavender sachet smells amazing! vandango33 at gmail dot com

  24. I am a new GFC follower! vandango33 at gmail dot com

  25. You've been a lucky girl lately! Maybe I should lament about how I never win anything because I sure would like to win yours. Love the sachet and am anxiously looking forward to getting the book one way or another.

  26. I thought I was a follower because you've been in my reader for some time now, but I saw that I wasn't in the followers list. I am now.

  27. And I've just posted it on my Facebook page.

  28. You sure received some lovelies my friend... I really like that sign! And what an awesome giveaway, that book has been on my wish list over at Amazon since last year...and the sachet is gorgeous, you definitely should sell those!

  29. Gosh, I hope I can be as lucky as you have been lately! Congrats on your milestone and thank you for the inspiration every time I visit!

  30. Oh yeah, I'm a follower! I never miss a post!

  31. I'm happy to give your giveaway a shout out on my sidebar!

  32. Hi Judy, stopped in to say hi, and now I get to sign up for your beautiful giveaway. Have not seen the book, but would love to have it. And your lavender sachet creation is just gorgeous. Thanks so much! Congrats on your 100th post!
    Hope you're having a great week!
    ~ Julie

  33. Now posting your giveaway on my side bar.
    Thanks so much!
    ~ Julie

  34. Wow Judy where do I begin?!! THANKYOU! (that's where!) for the shout out~ I so loved how your planter turned out:)
    That little bag is just adorable too! Your luck has changed!
    I'd love to be entered in your giveaway as well~ I'm almost afraid of looking inside this book...I may just be redecorating my house top to bottom!!
    big hugs,

  35. Lavender is my favorite scent, and the book sounds wonderful as well! I would be very pleased to win them both!!! Thanks for the opportunity to participate in this giveaway, and congratulations on your accomplishment!


  36. I follow you as lakecorv aka kathy.bruner. You have a lovely blog, with beautiful pictures!


  37. Congrats on your milestone! Love all your pretty new treasures too!

    I'll be keeping my fingers crossed!

  38. Congrats on your l00th post....you have a very special place here....and should be proud.

    Crossing my fingers too.


  39. I'll post about this on my sidebar. Oh I hope I'm lucky.


  40. Im like you, I've been a little skeptical about the book, but way curious too! I'm also like you in that I never win anything, so break the curse and pull my name out of that pretty hat of yours!

  41. Hello dear Judy!
    Big congrats on posting your 100th! I really enjoy visiting you for eye-candy photos and your witty writings. And THANK YOU for the 'pay it forward' gorgeous gift! I just received the sachet today and it smells & looks glorious. :)
    No need to include me in this amazing giveaway, because I got my copy of the beloved 'book' (totally agree with your review, BTW) and am lucky enough to now own one of your sachets. I'll let the other ladies fight over your goodies. But I'll add your giveaway link on my blog anyway.
    Happy giving!
    Love Susan

  42. Hi Judy, congrats on all the treasures you received, and for you 100th post! I would love to enter your generous giveaway!
    hugs~~~ Daphne

  43. I'm already a follower of your beautiful blog!

  44. Hi Judy,
    Wow, have you won some wonderful things! If you are like me, it is so much fun to get things in the mail. I live in a teeny town in Idaho where I have to go to own little post office to pick it up, and whenever I get something pretty the post mistress wants me to open it right then and there so she can see it too. (I love living in a small town)
    I would love to enter your giveaway. It is beautiful!

  45. And I follow your beautiful blog!

  46. Congratulations on your milestone and your winnings.I hope your luck rubs off on me! I would love the book.

  47. Soooooooo pretty! I would love a chance to win! Thank you!!

  48. I would love a chance to win Fifi's new book, please do enter me :)

  49. Love your blog which I have followed for quite a while

  50. Hope you are having a fun spring break with the kiddies!

  51. I thought I already entered I guess I didn't.Lovely treasures~Cheers Kim

  52. Lovely blog....giveaways are always fun!!!

  53. Always a pleasure to visit your blog and breathe in the finery. Thank you for sharing so much!

  54. With so many lovely antique/gift shops closing, it's good to know your blog is here. It is a feast for the eyes.

  55. I am jealous of those pink cowboy boots...but OK I want to win something too!! :)

  56. Judy,
    I would love to win that gorgeous book! I am working at the shop from 12-6 Saturday so stop by if you can. I'll fill you in on the new space. Oh and I love the pink boots!

  57. Oh wow, a giveaway! CONGRATS ON YOUR 100th! Sign me up, your blog is a lot of fun. Which is why I am also a follower!

    Bella Rosa Antiques

  58. Woe. I am amazed and inspired by this wonderful world of blogging. I love the way in which I can find a kindred spirit. Here you are today. Enjoying your blog and I will be back x

  59. !00th post WHOO! WHOO!! Congrats and count me in!!

  60. So happy for you that you have arrived at your 100th. post...Congratulations!

  61. I am one of your newest followers!

  62. Ohmygoodness!!! How have not entered this amazing giveaway?!!! Please toss my name in Judy, I love Fifi!!! hugs and love, Dawn

  63. I am now a follower as well!!! xxoo, Dawn

  64. I am definitely going to sign on as a follower and if I should be so lucky as to win your giveaway I have the loveliest little jar in white with lilac trim and the words sweet lavender in script. It's one of the things I inherited last year when my mom passed and I remember looking at it all through my childhood. And the book sounds cool too. Congrats on your 100.

    Linda giltandrust@gmail.com

  65. I'm new at this so I may have posted and posted .... anyway I just signed on as a follower. Looking forward (even if I don't come out a winner---great giveaway)
    Linda giltandrust@gmail.com

  66. COngratulations! Fifi book? I would love that! WOW how pretty! Such lovelies! Please enter me to win and

  67. I'm also a follower and loe you blog. Looking forward to more gorgeous posts!
