Hello Bloggie Friends,
I have certainly missed you all. We've been busy as usual and now that the weather is finally nice, I've been trying to spend more time outside getting fresh air and exercise to hopefully get in better shape and also to naturally lower my pre-hypertensive blood pressure and high cholesterol. I'm enjoying it, but like everything else, it takes time. I downloaded a cool free app on my phone called "My Fitness Pal" which helps me to count calories and also to enter my exercise. There may be other similar or even better apps out there, but this one had very high reviews, was free, and my coworker had it too so we could commiserate. I just downloaded it Wednesday, so we'll see how it goes but it really is a good wake up call when you have to be accountable (even if only to an app on your phone) for every single thing you put in your mouth. It has a bar code scanner that you can use to enter your foods and drinks which makes it super simple. Also, it keeps track of your carbs, protein, and fats as well as your vitamins and minerals. Anyway, I'll let you know how I make out in a few weeks when I either loose a few pounds or don't and my cholesterol and blood pressure either go down or they don't. :-)
Besides trying to get my body in shape, I'm trying to get my house in shape. Part of that entails getting a handle on my stuff. It seems to have gotten out of control or maybe is just STILL out of control, but the point is, I need to lighten my load. I've got a couple of Etsy shops which will get the majority of the things, but I thought I'd try something else which sounded fun...a virtual tag sale on my blog. It gives me an excuse to visit with my cyberfriends (that's you) as well as thin the herd. I'm going to list a couple of things tonight that I have available and then add to the lot as time allows. I can't offer you a lemonade stand, but I can give you the opportunity to purchase some cool stuff at what I hope you will think are some cool prices without having to go out in the heat and pound the pavement. Shipping is available outside the U.S., but there will be more postage, so just contact me and I can let you know what the extra shipping will be if you are interested. Payments are by Paypal.
First up are some dichroic glass pendants made by Kathy King, owner of Etsy shop Kathy's Glass Galore. She really has a talent for making these beautiful pendants. We worked together for years before she retired and moved to another state so I had lots of opportunities to purchase the fruits of her labors and I did. Over and over...time to thin out the collection since I only have the one neck! These are pendants only...you can add them to your favorite chain or put them on a simple ribbon,etc. They make wonderful gifts although these are so pretty, you may not be able to part with them. Bails are gold or silver in color. Small pendants are $7, large are $10.
Sizes as follows:
1. 1 5/8 inches to top of silver bail by almost 1/2 inch.
3. 1 7/8 inches to top of silver bail by 1 inch.
4. 1 3/4 inches to top of gold bail by 1 1/8 inch.
5. 1 1/4 inch to top of gold bail by 3/4 inch.
Next is a darling little hanging what not from the talented Debrina Pratt and her Land of Enchantment. Debrina sells her artwork exclusively (I think) on the Earth Angels Studios website. This piece measures 7 1/4 inches by 7 1/4 inches and is signed and dated by the artist. In excellent condition.


I will try to add more items tomorrow evening. If this beauties don't speak your name, maybe something else will.
Until next time,