Today I'm sharing a project that I have wanted to do forever. I had seen a few little miniature theaters out in cyberspace and always thought it would be fun to make one. I guess I always figured I'd construct one with found hardware, spindles, etcetera, but when I found this jewelry box at my neighbor's yard sale late this summer, I knew that I had found my theater. All I had to do was give her a makeover and we'd be good to go. Sorry for the crummy "before" picture. I apparently was too excited to get started painting to bother making sure my camera settings were right! It was very pretty, but I had envisioned a white theater, so out came the Annie Sloan's chalk paint in Old White.
I gave her a good coat, leaving a little gold peeking through here and there. I then lightly sanded some areas, giving a little distressed look. A coat of clear wax was followed by some VERY judiciously placed dark wax in the areas I wanted to age a bit more. The detailing was so pretty, it wasn't too difficult to make it sing. I LOVE the way it turned out.
Some beautiful lace curtains seemed appropriate for a Theater of Dreams...I wanted to evoke a sense of ethereal beauty where the audience would get lost in the magic of the performance.
Mon petit théâtre des reves (theater of dreams)...
In MY dreams, a chandelier illuminating the stage was a must. I raided my stash of crystals and wire and came up with a design that I found pleasing. A little twist here, a little bend there and VOILA! A petite chandelier to go with my petite stage...
The back needed to have a little pizazz, so a vintage page from a French encyclopedia did the trick.
The addition of a couple of beautiful mademoiselles to dance on my stage was the finishing touch. Of course, they had to be dolled up a little more with some layering, artist chalks, and glitter. Much better...
Fairy wings or butterfly wings...what do you think? Or should I say, what would you see in YOUR dreams?
I hope you enjoyed seeing my little project. I look forward to peeking in on you and see what projects you've been up to. I just went out this evening and clipped all of my roses since we are supposed to have our first hard freeze tonight. BRRRR!!!
Sharing with Blissful Whites Wednesday
Be Inspired Friday
Feathered Nest Friday
What's It Wednesday
Until next time,